October 28, 2006
when shall we go ice skating?cant wait!haha
although i cant really ice skate..
its okay!its the sunflower spirit to try doing things you cant do!
hmm.its sounds abit wierd.but nevermind.
so i realised that i seldom post,but at least im putting in effort now!
its not too late..
its the holidays!finally after the torturing period of exams.
many stuff going on,and theres camp.and pre camp.
not sure to be happy ornot.haha
anyway,happy holidays!
the suns shall shine
October 15, 2006
go laugh .
hello people whens our fourth or fifth outing?
i lost count.
so we shall wear our suntanners shirt to ice skating??
should we go sentosa before they change it to some casinos with ang mohs around?
user : sunflower-
pswd : u all should know lah. if not sms me,danette , liudi also can !
October 14, 2006
i think our patrol has great potential! : D
im glad to see people putting in more effort to do things and taking initiative, like danette and seowshan.
i see the effort and i appreciate it okay.
i ordered the patrol tee according to your pe shirt size okay.
it should be the same.
enjoy post exams people !
: D
October 11, 2006

hey .
went all the way from woodlands to paya lebar to make this shirt okay.
because a lot a lot of shops everywhere cannot print that font! SUNTANNERS ! HAHA.
after some discussion with fellow sunflowerers, we decided on suntanners.
haha imagine going to ice skating though.
anyway the design is SUNTANNERS at the front and THIS IS MY PATROL TEE at the back center, at the bottom right it says LET OUR SHADOWS PROVE THE SUNSHINE.
but i cant upload that picture here.
our shirt is golden yellow cos the aunty only have like limited orange.
erm patrol meeting soon?
this shirt costs nineteen bucks after bargaining.
see you soon people.
exams are over ! : DD
August 17, 2006
haiz..got some dumb ipw brochure making thing..its due on monday and we haven even started!!yikes!!
anyway september holidays coming soon..really looking forward to it!!keep smiling n always remember that we are hip n cool!!
August 11, 2006
the old one is backkkk.
hows everything going?
sorry dint have time to go backk stnicks.
and like more than half a yrs gone.
treasure your timeee okayys.
to allll past, present and future sunflowerers:
we are the cool and hip sunflowerers; always.
p/s eehhs, update oftennn so i wont be so outdated: D
August 4, 2006
July 18, 2006
second try
i decided not to give up n to try again! (tt's the spirit!)
wait a minute! i've though of a brilliant idea!
let me try it out!
it's working! it's working!! i'm super elated right now! hah, but it seems rather s..l..o..w
forget it
i'm sad to say tt uploading photos onto blogger is a hard job! i spent my afternoon uploading the pics enthusiastically n wrong botton n everything disappeared!!! jus like tt!! wahhhhhhhh
i promise i'm going to find a faster way!
oh, n my last msg only showed a rahh!!
sad sad sad!
haha. i sounding a bit mad here!!! hahahhahaha
July 17, 2006
July 16, 2006
# Not Just A Sunflower
i'm officially not a sunflowerer anymore! haha:)
but i'm still one at heart you know.
these kind of decisions are the hardest to make and i accept that! look to the future right?
it was so embarrassing though, i was the only one that cried apart from teary limzhen. ergh!!
will miss everthing about this patrol, already so attached!but i guess i will do fine in mg.
alot of thank yous' to make.
all the sunflowerers: thanks for just being there!
sec twos: my closest pals, thanks in advance for the patrol tee...and danette, you must work hard for sunflower, don't be surprised if Morning glory outshines sunny sunflower...!!!heehee:D
signing off...
love ya loads and load
June 9, 2006
{ fly away }
Stupid liew jia yin had been bugging me to blog here since 20 minutes ago and OKAY I raise white flag! She irritating until can faint one leh. Well I really have no idea what I can write here.. Err yes WE SHOULD MEET UP! Somebody go organize k haha. Kbox, kbox! :D ( Sorry I'm still kinda obsessed with kboxing.. )
Shit la I feel very sleepy now though I wanna catch the world cup tonight! Shall go nap now before I fall asleep in front of the tv...... :D yepyep please support BRAzil for fifa!! The bra shall own the title OLE OLE OLE!
That's all for now and jia yin shall get a cbox for us soon. ( YOU HEAR ME? :D ) Yay.
June 4, 2006
haha just decided to drop by.trying much to relive this blog cos abit very long nobody post.haha yups.anyway lets plan another pat outing ya?yes!i wan to go out!haha.ok.forgive me if im dumb ok uh is there actually a tagboard in this blog?haha.cant find.yups.tts all fr today.yups.byes!
luv seowshan
May 28, 2006
haha sry influenced by a fren who keeps saying yoohoo nowadays(: app i dont think serene rmbs tt we have 5 secones since she only left 4 spaces for the links.hahas.just linked danettes n my blog.others go link can?
dun really post often here cos i have my own.but im here anw.dont say i nvr come.haha.pprs back.did really badly.haha.overall percent dropped by 5.1%.haha.ppl dont be discouraged if ur results r not gd enuf ya?be a happy sunflower!
seowshan luves sunflower:D
its not the end of the world,smile like a sunflower!
May 17, 2006
# Not Just A Sunflower
PPR is coming again! so scared! sure do badly one!
anyway...this blog is pratically dead so i thot i would come here more regularly to liven up this very dead blog
poor secones! ah nvm and another year has passed and we are going to see our dear sec fours step down!
funny! our patrol doesn't have any sec four... so we can save money!hehe:d
pls...sunflowerers! blog ok!
May 13, 2006
# Not Just A Sunflower
anw, congrats secones though you guys are having your enrolment later than ours ( no sarcasm or offense or insult to anyone) you guys were supposed to have it on the same day as our enrolment!!!wAT HAPPENED!!!
anyway, ppr is coming again!! i think im gonna break down...and you know the day we have the meet the parents session, i have to go to the science centre to have dna workshop bcos i missed it the first time when we had thinking day!!!oh bother!!a holiday gone!!!
week 10, sec ones you guys are having your maths trail...my class is gonna lead you guys...so watch out!!!
signing off peeps!
steph luv ya loads!
April 30, 2006
heylo! im back again!
sorry liudi! no offense!glad to see the blog alive and kicking!
plus...the new design is super cool and hip!!!!!!so nice!!!!!thanks serene...
i'll try to blog as often...but afraid i won't have much time on my hands with eight assignments plus the sec1 maths trail,, im going mad!
bye for now!luv ya lots!
shall we?
Mmm, june holidays are approaching! Shall we have a meet up? I wanna see the newly welcomed sec ones too! Haha we can go kboxing or bowling etc. :D
<3 Serene
April 25, 2006
TA DA! i'm here lar!
okok i shall blog more often now ok?
anw, now tht i've notified the sec 1s of our blog
lets look forward to more entries!
and its the time of the yr for enrolment agn!
this means "u noe wad" for the rest of us
hehe :DD
ok got any ideas?
oh btw, i was thinking next time we can have patrol meetings on fri
like 15 min b4 guides start.
hows tht?
then in the mean time we can also collect required stuff.
or if ur have any better ideas then say la!
ohohoh! a quick msg to the sec 1s:
welcome! newest members of our hip and cool family!
work hard towards ur enrolment k?
i know u all will make it in guides so do ur best!
i'm looking forward to the day when ur can wear ur guide uniform ok?
haha GD LUCK!
* liudi
just to say HI!
Anw, where's our dear PL, who doesn't come here anymore?!hehe...(no offense)
JIa you!cont.to smile like a sunny sunflower...:P
Luv loadz....
April 23, 2006
April 18, 2006
to revive the blog lah.
and the reason i don want to blog cos this blog template is really distasteful leh.
and OUR DEAR SERENE LEONG HAS FORGOTTEN ABOUT OUR BLOG!! rahh. but i just reminded her HAHA. how can u do this , serene leong! hahah. u are sunflower IT PRO okay!
tsk tsk. u promised!! and now u have forgotten all abt us. tsk tsk.
anyway do u all want patrol meetings?
: D
yay im looking forward to a superb sunflower blog. I HARBOUR GREAT HOPES ON U SERENE QUEK !
- jiayin

hahha. feeling childish. and this thing suits the lime green background ! hahah.
oh man serene leong! our IT pro! ni pao qu na li le?
April 15, 2006
sunflower patrol
As stressssed as I am, I've been posting quite regularly nowadays although i feel my studies are like deteriotating...
Hope you guys are doing ok! Not too stressed like me lar. I like quite dying oredi.
ANW, just popped by as i was bored
teacher gave me so much hmework, thinking its like such a long holiday like that. its just a long three day weekend and ihave to go to church everyday! Not catching up with my sleep as i've planned to..
Jia you!
April 5, 2006
sunflower patrol
hello! we posted like two weeks ago:D
then you guys always say we never blog. haha...
But sure you guys are really busy at sec three. im already up to my neck!
how do you guys cope?!
Just jia you!
Sunflower RAWKZ! haah
Sec ones noe abt our blog or not?haha
When's our next patrol meeting? Hoep its soon. school life is boring
byez... luv ya guys!
Peace out!
March 24, 2006
sunflower patrol
SEC 2 attack! first time we actually blog together! So fun!Danette:all of us are writing this together.
everyone except seowshan..Jolene: and stephanie's the poor person posting
Danette: but she will always be remembered by us
Jolene: as the self sacrificial person
Danette: but we are thinking of her now.
hahas' all around
anyway, those two never blog b4
And I'm the sacrificial one, having to type all this out while we are all on MSN talking about a proposal!!
BYE! STephanie + danette and Jolene!!
March 14, 2006
March 10, 2006
i apologise 4 not blogging 4 like (hmmm... let me see) 3-4 mths. heehee. i so busy. tml's fiesta!!! yay (unenthu) i dun seem to be in the fiesta mood haha. Here. let me show u a song called" Ah Sunflower" (which means our hip and cool patrol)
Here goes: [sit back, relax n enjoy :))]
by william Blake [i tink]
Ah Sunflower, weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the sun;
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the traveller's journey is done;
Where the youth pined away with desire,
And the pale virgin shrouded in snow,
Arise from their graves, and aspire
Where my Sunflower wishes to go!
so long ppl! jiayou in watever u do!
P.s do e sec ones noe abt tis blog??
February 25, 2006
i noe i very qian zou 4 not posting anything since last year*smiles sheepishly*..
haiz..i know that sec 3 is worse but i still 1 2 say that sec 2 sux man..so many tests n assignments due that i even lost count counting them lar(really.notexaggerating.)..wad geog n hist intergrated assignment..its jus simply 2 assignments...even my home econs teacher is LEAVING!!!lyk pls lar,only home econs n pe seem meaningful to me
if u let me choose either hist or geog,i sure take hist 1..hist u can get quite high even if u dun understand(jus memorise)...
anw,when is e next pat outing??r we making another pat t?yay..but tis time can we make white?
ok..can sum1 explain 2 me y is liudi even called clammy (or however its spelled)??i still haf many stuff 2 catch up on aft e wecome party thing..okay..gtg..keep on posting ya?bb!
P.S i jus realised that u havent linked me..i shall do that meself.
February 24, 2006
ahh- this blog is dying.
wheres serene!
that person so busy stalking shawn lee lah! then forget abt us sunflowerers! haha
nowadays is so busy ! 4,5 tests every week with subj like hist,bio,chem :/
sec 2s, enjoy yr life while u can now!
: D
where n when shld our next patrol outing be! haha
- jiayin
February 1, 2006
HEy sUnflower!!!!
Hey peeps!HAvent been since December and realised that NO ONE"S BLOGGING IT!
how can?saw Serene the other day. IN RGS uniform! Eh! we miss u leh! Now we got five sec ones i should think the biggest number to join any patrol. nvm nvm...
Today's pat meeting so few of us! anw, we were talking about another patrol outing. I noe, always same topic but in the end got carried away by other stuff. (only for those who were there!)
Gtg cos got chinese test to study!!!!!!!hate it! somemore teacher just tell us today! so TAO YAN!
lotsa luv, Stephanie.
P.S. the five sec ones, cant remember their names but they are going to soon join our hip and cool family!! cant wait den gt more people to talk to.It's our time and let them go through what our sunflower seniors made us do!!!hehe!!(no offense):D